When do you need to seek help:
Any axillary temperature above 37,5 degrees C or under 36,5 degrees C
Any rectal temperature above 38 degrees C or under 36,3 degrees C
The face, torso and whites of the eyes have a strong yellow colour
Tightening of the umbilical stump (not drops), its purulent secretion, or the presence of a fetid odor
Less than 7-8 meals in 24 hours
Less than 6 wet diapers/24 hours after the 5th day post birth
Respiratory problems - signs of purpling lips, difficulty breathing, clogging of the torso during breathing in
Repeated projectile vomiting
Ukranian speaking people answer to the number 0724771122 and they can help guide you in finding the right solutions for you and your child.
In case of a major emergency, call 112 and you will talk to the emergency service that will help you get to the nearest hospital if necessary.
Here are some details about the signs of hunger: He sucks his hand, looks for the breast, sticks out his tongue, cries - crying is a late sign of hunger
General recommendations:
Constant carrying of the baby prevents and alleciates colic
Room temperature: 18-22 degrees C
Similar clothing to that of the parent
The baby is to sleep in proximity to the mother/parents
The newborn's birth bath is to take place after minimum 24 hours
At home In the first month it is recommended to not use shower gel or soap until the baby has had its first stool
Wash the baby every 2-3 days
In the beginning the bath is more a means of stimulation and comfort rather than a cleaning method
Outside walks:
When you feel alright, you can go outside for a walk.
Dress the baby like you dress yourself and do not forget sun protection: wide brim hat, that covers the ears and nape, large, long clothes.
Do not sit under the sun during peak hours and turn on the air conditioning in rooms or cars in hot days.
You can and are encouraged to go out for a walk every day, even if it rains or it is cold. If it's very foggy, very windy, storming or extremely hot, you can postpone the walk for a few hours or for the next day.
For a new mother these walks are useful, especially if they are in nature, because they help you achieve a daily psycho-emotional balance and socialise.
Meeting other mothers who are going through similar things to you can help you feel understood and in communication or connection with someone else. It is important to be able to share your moods, regardless of whether they are easy and positive or hard and heavy with someone who can support and empahtise with you.
Why do I feel this way? About postnatal difficulties
Emotional changes are normal in the first weeks post birth. Most women experience them.
The mother can have feelings of intense sadness along with powerful emotional discharges. It's the period in which she experiences sadness after giving birth or postpartum blues.
These feelings, if they appear, need to be accepted and understood by everyone around, regardless of if they're family or friends.
The mother needs lots of support and encouragement during this period for her to be able to easily adapt to her new role and to accept the surprising and intense transition from being a pregnant woman to a mother.
Emotional Support a New Mom
Open communication and empathy between family members is one of the keys of this accomplishment. The mother does not need critics or external imposition.
If the feeling of sadness lasts for over two or three weeks post birth or even gets worse on account of the tiredness, intra-family tensions, communication difficulties or due to the hardships in adapting to the new role of a parent, it is recommended that you contact a specialist - psychologist or psychotherapist - who can help you bring a little light to the situation you are facing. Postpartum depression might be at work. The intervention of such a specialist can also be extremely helpful in the wake of obstetic trauma following which the mother or baby has suffered, or situations in which the feeling of fear regarding the baby becomes overwhelming or forestalls their care.
Do not hesitate to take this step because the benefits of resolving the situations will spill over not only you, as a mother, but also over your baby.
When is a psychiatric consultation needed?
In extremely rare cases, the mother experiences blocks in her relationship with the newborn: she doesn't recognise their face as being her own, act violently towards them, or towards herself, wishes ill on the baby or herself. In these cases the intervention of a psychiatrist is necessary because it could be the work of a postpartum psychosis.
Do not postpone the visit to a psychiatrist in the case of symptoms like auditory or visual hallucinations.
New mothers need all the care that society can offer them, and in the case of a new mother who has fled war there is even more of a need for care and contentment, so they can care for their children in turn.